Welcome to the SB Moms Club!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Breathing Space


I found these breathing and relaxation videos on YouTube:

Easy Relaxation Techniques, Part 2 - How to Relax

Instant Relaxation

Muscle Relaxation and 4-4-4-4 Breathing Exercise

Hope your week is off to a good start!


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Solidarity Saturday- #1

It was a beautiful morning.

As I started my walk, I was excited but didn't really have expectations.  Only that I would walk for about 10 minutes and that I would let my mind wander to topics related to being the mother of a child with spina bifida.

It turned out to be an amazing experience. 
Somehow, knowing that there were other Moms walking yesterday, even though we have not met, gave me a new source of strength and energy.  I'm having trouble finding words to describe it- but it was very cool!

And before I got back home I made sure to think about my list of "be nicer to me" goals.  : )

If you walked with us, I hope you'll share a little bit about your experience with us by leaving a comment ....


Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Art of Relaxation

Actually, I think it's a skill... one of those that looks and sounds a whole easier than it actually is. Relaxing is like hula hooping, or ice skating. If you watch someone who is really good at it, they can make it look so easy!

Well, I am not good at it. Not at all.

Oh, I have tried to build up my relaxation stamina. But, ironically, doing nothing but breathing is very difficult for me!

I'm guessing that most members of our club would say the same kinds of things. Our minds are always racing. We have the regular mom things to think about, and on top of that all the layers of spina bifida distractions.

So, my very first area of focus is Breathing. I'm putting it first because I think it might take me several weeks to get good at it.

For 5 minutes every day I will become that woman in the chair.

I'm thinking the Women's Heart Foundation website will be a good resource. Check out their exercise and nutrition section.



Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Starting a journal

Hi Moms!

The first thing I'm doing to get ready for our Moms Club kickoff is reorganizing my journal.

I have recently moved to a much smaller place. As I prepared for my downsizing I found my journal to be extremely helpful.

I have my daily routines listed there: Morning, Afterschool/afterwork-dinner time, and Before Bed.

I add sections to my journal as needed. For example, my old journal had tips on selling your own house, garage sales, moving tips.. and so on.

If you're looking for some great ideas to get you started on creating a journal, I recommend The Fly Lady! http://www.flylady.net/

She calls her version a "control journal". I think we might call our journals by another name. Any ideas?

Basically, you need a three-ring binder and some notebook paper. This is not perfection. It's definitely not like one of those crafty scrapbooks. This journal is supposed to be like a rough draft, a work in progress!

Any available binder you have around the house will work.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Welcome to the Moms Club!

Dear Fellow Moms,

I am inviting you to join me for what will be a wonderful, well-deserved 12-week adventure!

My biggest resolution for 2010 is to be nicer to me. Another goal I have is to find new ways to make positive changes for children with spina bifida and their families.

So... I've decided to combine these and start the Moms Club!

Basically, we will give each other encouragement and permission to put ourselves first- guilt free!- for some time every day.

Each Saturday will be our weekly Solidarity Day. On Saturday we will walk - anywhere- for at least 10 minutes. And while we walk, we will be mindful that there are other SB Moms- across the country, or perhaps even beyond - who are "with me". We're not alone- we're in this club together.

Each week I plan to have a different "focus zone". You can use mine, or create your own goals and focus areas. But- we will encourage each other to "stay in the zone"!

I know we will have fun!

So, let's get ready. We'll start on Saturday, January 9. And this blog will be published through March 27- at least!

I'll post my focus zones ahead of time so we can get prepared!

Oh! -- and please sign in as a follower so we know who's with us!
